Station 42

Carrizo Plains Station 42

Carrizo Plain Station 42 is located in one of the most interesting parts of San Luis Obispo County. Carrizo Plain is approximately 50 miles long and 15 miles wide, with a dry soda lake bed at the center. Carrizo National Monument, located in Carrizo Plain, is the single largest native grassland in California. The large expansive area of Carrizo Plain is naturally beautiful, but is home to a very small population.

Carrizo Plain Station 42 has the largest response area in the County, serving the entire 50 mile stretch of the Carrizo Plain. Located in California Valley, paid staff are responsible for emergency response and administration and training of 15 Paid-Call Firefighters. Company 42 members are dispatched via radio pager to all incidents in Carrizo Plain. In addition to Company 42, 

Station 42 is located near Highway 58, linking the central coast and central valley. Station 42 firefighters often respond with Kern County Fire, to remote areas of both Kern and San Luis Obispo County along Highway 58.

Equipment assigned Station 42 includes an ICS Type-II engine.

Station Response Information